BazelCon 2024
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October 14-15, 2024
Mountain View, CA
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Monday, October 14

10:45am PDT

Post Mortems for 4 Years of Remote Execution - Ulf Adams, EngFlow Inc.
Monday October 14, 2024 10:45am - 11:15am PDT
We have been running RE for several years. In this talk, we present what we have learned - the hard way - during this time, with the hope that this will help others who are building or operating a remote execution service prevent similar issues. We will cover these themes: cloud infrastructure limits, memory management pitfalls, software architecture oh-nos, and monitoring mistakes.
avatar for Ulf Adams

Ulf Adams

CTO & Co-Founder, EngFlow Inc., EngFlow Inc.
MS in Computer Science from Stanford University, 11 years at Google as TLM for Blaze & Bazel. Now CTO & Co-Founder of EngFlow.
Monday October 14, 2024 10:45am - 11:15am PDT
Hahn Auditorium

1:30pm PDT

Perfect Sandboxing in Bazel - Rahul Butani, Intel
Monday October 14, 2024 1:30pm - 2:00pm PDT
Complete dependency graphs are at the heart of what gives Bazel its power and sandboxing plays a key role in keeping these graphs correct. However: Bazel's approach to sandboxing makes some concessions. With cooperation from tools this works well, but — what happens when your tools aren't well-behaved? In this talk, we detail how we — in service of migrating a 20 year old codebase to Bazel — extended Bazel and its sandbox to encode and enforce all host filesystem dependencies in Bazel's dependency graph. We'll cover the changes we had to make to use existing rulesets, how this compares with alternative solutions to this problem, lessons we learned along the way, and some takeaways for the broader ecosystem.
Monday October 14, 2024 1:30pm - 2:00pm PDT
Hahn Auditorium
Tuesday, October 15

10:00am PDT

{Fast, Correct, Secure} - Choose Three - Yannic Bonenberger & Antonio Di Stefano, EngFlow
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am PDT
Bazel is well-known for its commitment to deliver both fast and correct builds at scale. However, ensuring trustworthy development and deployments to production goes beyond just accurate execution tracking. It encompasses the entire pipeline, including the integrity of the host environment, the security of third-party dependencies, and the reliability of remote caching and execution systems. In this talk, we will explore the advanced features Bazel offers for creating correct and secure builds. Additionally, we will address existing challenges in generating Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) and maintaining reliable audit trails, so your process can achieve the highest Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) compliance.
avatar for Yannic Bonenberger

Yannic Bonenberger

Software Engineer, EngFlow
Yannic Bonenberger is a Software Engineer at EngFlow working on distributing builds across 10,000s of CPU cores. During his career, he has worked with many of the largest and most innovative organizations to reduce build times of large C++ applications from hours or more to less than... Read More →
avatar for Antonio Di Stefano

Antonio Di Stefano

Solution Engineer, EngFlow
I am a software engineer with a passion for how we write, build and ship software. Currently working at EngFlow to make all of the above faster and safer whilst bringing back the joy of programming. I also love building weird and unexpected things (like snake on Bazel).
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am PDT
Hahn Auditorium

11:15am PDT

Reducing Bazel's Memory Consumption - Ivo Ristovski List, Google
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:15am - 11:45am PDT
Since last BazelCon we came up with several very exciting ideas, how to reduce memory consumption. In this talk I will present several of them: skyfocus, skeletal analysis and how to further reduce peek heap consumption. Additional saving may come from laziness: lazy macros and lazy loading.
avatar for Ivo Ristovski List

Ivo Ristovski List

Mr., Google
Ivo works at Google since 2020. He's the leader of Rules API team, responsible for migrating native rules to Starlark and improving the interface Bazel provides to Starlark rule authors.
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:15am - 11:45am PDT
Hahn Auditorium

11:50am PDT

How Bazel Handles Globs - Nathan Harmata, Google
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:50am - 12:00pm PDT
The `glob` function is seemingly simple from a user-land perspective, but entails a lot of complexity in Bazel's implementation. This talk motivates the difficulty, discusses the history of implementing `glob` in Bazel, goes over the current approach, and mentions possible future improvements.
avatar for Nathan Harmata

Nathan Harmata

Senior Staff Software Engineer, Google
Nathan is a Software Engineer at Google. He has been working in the build system domain since 2013.
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:50am - 12:00pm PDT
Hahn Auditorium
  Lightning Talks

1:30pm PDT

Android Birds of a Feather - Alex Humesky, Google
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PDT
Birds of a Feather session for Android app developers using Bazel to discuss the Bazel Android Rules, including Starlarkification of the native rules, migration, open sourcing.
avatar for Alex Humesky

Alex Humesky

Software Engineer, Google
Alex is a member of the Bazel team at Google, working on the Android Rules since 2015
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PDT

2:45pm PDT

Utilizing Bazel for Cross-Platform and Cross-Architecture Compilation and Testing - Axel Uhlig & Marcel Kost, Salesforce
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:45pm - 3:15pm PDT
We want to demonstrate how to use Bazel to compile C++ source code across various operating systems (e.g. Linux, Windows, and macOS) and processor architectures (e.g. AMD and ARM). We will show how to - Create a Bazel C++ toolchain, that serves different host and target operating systems and architectures - Make Bazel automatically pick the right toolchain configuration based on host and target system - Compile natively as well as cross platform - Create “universal binaries” by running several toolchains in the same build, creating a single artifact, that can run on multiple architectures - Use the platform information to name packages, switch dependencies, skip targets, … We will show how to achieve all of this by using native Bazel features like multi platform builds, toolchains, transitions, and sufficiently hermetic toolchains.
avatar for Marcel Kost

Marcel Kost

Software Engineer, Salesforce
Software Engineer, working on CI/CD systems using Bazel for C++ code bases. Currently working for Salesforce, supporting the Hyper Database team to ship their database as part of Tableau and other Salesforce products.
avatar for Axel Uhlig

Axel Uhlig

Software Engineer, Salesforce
Software Engineer, mostly working on CI/CD systems using Bazel for C++ code bases. Previously worked on the Bazel migration of BMW. Currently working for Salesforce, supporting the Hyper Database team to ship their database as part of Tableau and other Salesforce products.
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:45pm - 3:15pm PDT
Hahn Auditorium
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